Shena began her career serving the public as a legal prosecutor. In 2001, Shena received the coveted honor of being recognized as one of "Richmond Virginia's Top Forty Under Forty." After an extremely successful career as a litigator, advancing to the position of Senior Assistant Commonwealth's Attorney, and practicing before the Federal Court for the Eastern District of Virginia in cooperation with Virginia's Project Exile as a Federal Prosecutor, Shena entered the private practice of law in 2002. Shena also served as an executive advisor to several corporate and government entities. Shena retired in 2016 from the practice of law having over 20 jury trials and NEVER having lost any and due to client demand, returned to the practice of law in 2018 and now caters to small to medium businesses, executive leadership & protection and cybersecurity.
In 2000, Shena began giving back to the community by helping to start, build, and scale a non-profit organization that assisted emotionally, mentally, and behaviorally labeled adolescent females. She also served as its Corporate Counsel and Program Director. In 2003, Shena became more involved in the legal system by becoming a bail bondswoman. In 2004, Shena opened and operated her own bail bonding company, Dixon's Bonding, and became one of the leaders in the State of Virginia. In 2006, Shena entered the world of real estate, mortgages, and financial services. By 2008, Shena had co-developed and managed a 300+ multi-team office within the company's East Coast division. Shena also took this opportunity to begin acquiring real estate properties. Shena has experience as a land, single, multi-family, and apartment building investor. In October 2018, Shena proudly welcomed the return of a leader in the financial services industry to the SDM Company family, Hubert Humphrey. Hubert is the only marketing professional to successfully build two separate billion-dollar market cap companies in the history of financial services. Today, Shena combines her real estate and financial experience and expertise in helping people learn how to get started in real estate and grow their portfolios.
In 2008, Shena received the national designation of Certified Divorce Financial Analyst recognizing her combined legal and financial expertise. With this experience, Shena provided financial analyst assistance to couples who were divorcing and was known to bring fair and equitable resolutions of the division of marital property. In 2009, Shena became the third African-American woman to ever carry the honor of serving as Chief Magistrate for the 16th Judicial District, in the Commonwealth of Virginia, commanding nine jurisdictions and supervising eleven judicial officers.
She is a member of a number of professional organization .Shena earned her Bachelor's degree from Virginia Commonwealth University, her Juris Doctorate from T.C. Williams School of Law, University of Richmond, and her Certified Divorce Financial Analyst. In 2022, Shena earned an Executive Certificate in Strategic Leadership from Liberty University and became a Coach with Undercover Billionaire, Grant Cardone and the 10X movement..
In addition to her legal, financial, business, government, and non profit experiences, Shena shared her professional knowledge by teaching since 1996 at numerous colleges and universities, Shena is passionate about educating and speaking to people using her personal experiences in the business world. Over the past 20 years, Shena has successfully created, mentored and assisted in excess of 800,000+ small businesses, direct sales, network marketers and has assisted in the merger and acquisition of countless franchises. She has advised top government officials, rappers, music entertainers, and notable NBA, and NFL athletes on private business matters. She also has taught under privileged, special needs children and young adults how to turn their passions and hobbies into self-supporting businesses.
As a 1st Amendment Legal Freedom Health Educator, Shena has taken her experience of prosecuting members in the medical profession and by sharing important information with the public about FDA determinations and notifications regarding the medical industry, the food chain, and pharmaceutical market cautions. Shena is also an International Protocol Partner for a globally recognized team of naturopathic doctors, to include the author of "Dead Doctor's Don't Lie, Dr. Joel Wallach, BS, DVM, ND.
Shena has held licenses in Real Estate, Insurance and Annuities, Property and Casualty, and Series 65, in her representation of several active money managers. Shena is currently a Regional Marketing Director with the financial marketing group HGI, An Integrity Company, and is a referral partner to internationally reowned financial expert and frequent financial analysis for the major financial news networks, Paul Dietrich.of B.Wiley Wealth Management.
Shena was a homeschool mom, a Navy mom, an active participant for Girl Scout Troop 3327 in the Nation's Capital Region, and is also a member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Shena successfully completed homeschooling her children and at the ages of 12 and 14, both of her children were admitted into college with one receiving an associate’s degree at the age of 15.
Shena's love to assist others in their pursuit of beauty began in 1994 when she became a Professional Make Up Artist after law school. Her love for makeup and people lead her to the esteemed position of Sales Director with Mary Kay Cosmetics Shena has earned the use of four (4) corporate career cars and is on target to earn her fifth! Shena is also a marketing leader with world renowned health supplement company, Youngevity International, Inc., where she serves on George Noory’s prestigious Critical Health News team and supports the life teachings of Dr. Joel Wallach. Shena also earns a prestigious monthly car allowance and elite corporate international trips.
Her love for empowering women through makeup, and anti-aging weight loss, lead to her empowering women through the industries of pageantry, fitness, business development. Shena's pageant accolades include, serving her community as Mrs. District of Columbia United States, 2017-18, placed top 15 at the National Mrs. United States Pageant, Orlando, Fl.; Mrs. Virginia United States, 2016-17, placed Top 15 at the National Mrs. United States Pageant, Las Vegas, Nevada. 1st runner-up in 2012, 2nd runner-up in the 2011 and 2013 of the Mrs. Virginia America Pageant, Ms. National Virginia 2014, Mrs. Dallas Texas 2015 of the Mrs. Texas America Pageant and has coached several pageant hopefuls to pageant fitness victories.
Shena's love for the sport of Pageantry lead her to becoming the Executive Director for the United States Pageant Organization - 2018 Team Virginia, and the Executive Director for the United States Pageant Organization - for the following National competing titles: Mrs. Nevada, Mrs. Connecticut, Mrs. Mid-Atlantic, Ms. Woman Georgia, Miss Vermont, Little Miss Nation's Capital, and Pre-Teen District of Columbia. In 2018, Shena lead a court of #CAPOQueens to the following United States National Pageant victories:
Little Miss United States: 3rd Runner Up, Miss Pre-Teen United States: 1st Runner Up, Miss Teen United States: Top 10, Ms. United States: Top 10
Ms. Woman United States: Top 10, Mrs. United States: Top 10, Miss United States: National Winner, Miss Andromeda Peters, and Winner of the National State Costume contest. Shena was also the proud parent of Little Miss Nation's Capital United States and Miss Pre-Teen District of Columbia United States 2018 leading with "Just Chuck This...Healthy Eats and Cool Treats" encouraging healthy eating among kids and "The Quarterback Kids Entrepreneur's Club" helping kids start businesses.
In 2019, after her first year as an extremely successful state pageant director, Shena became the interim director for the following states of the Mrs. United States National Pageant ® Organization: Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, District of Columbia, Florida, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey - 7 Divisions Only, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania - 7, Divisions Only, Puerto Rico, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, Wyoming, American Samoa, Guam, Virgin Islands, Northern Mariana Islands.
In 2018, Shena served as in-house legal and strategic advisor and a proud menber of the Miss United States National Pageant's National Development Team and At-Large Director for 47 states and U.S. Territories. Shena was honored to receive the first ever prestigious Ms. Isabella award, in honor of Ms. Isabella Illaqua, the Founder of the iconic Miss United States National Pageant, famously referenced in the pop culture movie Miss Congeniality. Shena also founded Dixon Mason Group Charities, Inc., to mobilize community efforts to support needed causes. In 2019 to answer the needs of the food shortage and extended food pantry lines, Dixon Mason Group Charities, Inc., mobilized the Swap For Hunger project which provided fresh vegetables and fruits to local community food pantries. In 2024 Shena became USNP's Local, State & National Queen Coordinator and in 2025, she was named Chairwoman of the 8 division organization!
Today, Shena is the host of 7 podcasts, is a TOP Global 10x Senior Performance Coach with Billionaire Grant Cardone, and is in her PhD dissertation phase of her Ph.D in Organizational Management & Leadership. Through her philanthropy work with Dixon Mason Group Charities, Inc. and, Shena and her team, The 10X Crew has launched three community initiatives. Shena spends her time mentoring and coaching others to success. Shena’s decades of experience is now positioned to lead other in seeking clarity and commitment, growth and scaling to achieve both their ppersonal and professional goals. Let Shena and her team help you decide your next steps today.
Gimli, Manitoba, Canada - $16 Million in 8 Months
Doral, Florida - Modern Medical Spa - $1.2 Million in 90 days!
Johannesburg, South Africa - Scapegoat Gallery - $772,000
Dr. Shena becomes your coach for 24 hours for a donation to our MIss United States National Pageants Scholarship program! The Shift FX Mentee program allows you to receive situational mentorship from Dr. Shena and her team of facilitators FREE for 24 hours! This program is sponsored by 24 Hour Magic Maker and Dixon Mason Group Charities, Inc., 501(c)3. to support the community efforts of the Miss United States National Pageants,Book your FREE 15 minute Q & A strategy session today!
Dr. Shena becomes your coach for 24 hours for a donation to our MIss United States National Pageants Scholarship program! The Shift FX Mentee program allows you to receive situational mentorship from Dr. Shena and her team of facilitators FREE for 24 hours! This program is sponsored by 24 Hour Magic Maker and Dixon Mason Group Charities, Inc., 501(c)3. to support the community efforts of the Miss United States National Pageants,Book your FREE 15 minute Q & A strategy session today!
Dr. Shena becomes your coach for 24 hours for a donation to our MIss United States National Pageants Scholarship program! The Shift FX Mentee program allows you to receive situational mentorship from Dr. Shena and her team of facilitators FREE for 24 hours! This program is sponsored by 24 Hour Magic Maker and Dixon Mason Group Charities, Inc., 501(c)3. to support the community efforts of the Miss United States National Pageants,Book your FREE 15 minute Q & A strategy session today!
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SPA stands for Specific Performance Actions! We help people move forward in the areas of their Personal, Professional, and Financial Goals.
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